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简要描述:反向光电子发射枪及检测器IPES is used to study the empty electronic states of solids. The sample is bombarded
with a beam of electrons with well defined energy and light is emitted when electrons

  • 产品型号:
  • 厂商性质:代理商
  • 更新时间:2024-12-09
  • 访  问  量:489



IPES is used to study the empty electronic states of solids. The sample is bombarded
with a beam of electrons with well defined energy and light is emitted when electrons
make direct transitions into the unoccupied states. We manufacture an IPES electron
gun and control unit, IPES photon detector with power supply and pre-amplifier /

discriminator and also supply a data system. The photons are detected as a function of
the kinetic energy of the incident electron beam. The data system ramps the beam
energy using a DAC and recovers the CEM pulses to obtain an IPES spectrum.

IPES Electron Gun:
Cathode: BaO dispenser for low thermal spread. Emits at approx 1000 C.
Beam energy 5 to 100eV.
Sample current typically 10 mA.
Electronic control unit: To allow control of cathode heater current, kinetic energy, focus
Simultaneous display of beam energy, cathode heater current, sample current.
The gun is supplied with Z100 100mm linear translator.

IPES Detector
Photon energy filter (Fluoride window / coated Ta cone) and electron multiplier.
Mounts on 70mm OD CF flange.
Power supply for CEM HV, and pre-amplifier/discriminator with TTL output to recover
The IPES detector is mounted on a Z100 100mm linear translator.



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地址:上海市杨浦区松花江路251弄白玉兰环保广场3号902室 传真:021-55781190
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